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FIELD study.

The Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) Trial

The FIELD Trial led by Prof. Anthony Keech, evaluated 9795 adults with Type 2 diabetes taking for an average of 5-years fenofibrate (a blood fat lowering tablet) or placebo (inactive tablet). Whilst the primary cardiovascular end-point of the trial was not positive there were cardiovascular benefits for some subgroups, such as those with high triglyceride / low HDL-C levels. On a very positive note, fenofibrate had major benefits to prevent lower limb amputations, to retard the development of sight-threatening diabetic eye damage and of diabetic kidney and nerve damage. Ongoing studies are evaluating the relationship of many novel biochemical and molecular risk factors to health outcomes for people with Type 2 diabetes. Ongoing research includes evaluating the value of novel blood tests (biomarkers) such as telomeres, lipidomics, proteomics, microRNAs and mRNAs.

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